As a team, we thrive on seeing what our clients can accomplish with AgencyBloc.

Last year, we shared how Members of The Bloc utilized AgencyBloc throughout 2018. It proved to be a busy year for our clients! 

2019 was no different, and we’re excited to share again what our clients accomplished throughout the year with AgencyBloc.

Activities Completed

2,003,708 Completed Activities

Over 2 MILLION Activities completed in 2019! That’s a 38% increase over 2018. Calls made, meetings scheduled, policies updated…whatever it was, you got it done

Activities are your “to-do” list—your way of ensuring your things get done while also maintaining thorough records of action and communication within the agency.

Shea B.

“I am so happy we found AgencyBloc. Creating activities is a great way to keep up on the day-to-day. We have tried other systems and this one really takes the cake. I think the best part of it is the customer service and the willingness to keep making it better.”
—Shea B., RJS and Associates Insurance Services

New & Updated Policies

14,106,476 New & Updated Policies

Entering new business and working through renewals is undoubtedly a major part of an agency’s day-to-day—so while it’s not surprising, it’s still fun to see the numbers reflect this.

Tammy M.

“AgencyBloc has been a great solution for my health insurance office. I used to struggle with a generic CRM to make it specific to health insurance. There was always something missing. Now it is a breeze to track clients, policies and conversations. I highly recommend AgencyBloc as your CRM if you sell any health insurance product.”
—Tammy M., McGregor Benefits

Commissions Processed

$714,469,413 in Commissions Processed

Over $714 MILLION in commissions processed for 2019—needless to say, it was a busy year! Using AgencyBloc, agencies save time and resources in processing commissions and identifying missed commissions from carriers.

Learn more about AgencyBloc’s Commissions Module: [Free eBook] The Agency's Guide to Commissions: Efficient Processing, Uncovering Misses, & Analyzing Performance.

Leslye G.

“We've been able to cut our time processing commissions by 75%, saved nearly $33,000 every year in employee time, and have gained 90 hours back every month. Switching to AgencyBloc was the best decision I made as a commissions manager.”
—Leslye G., JTS Financial

Email Campaigns & Automated Workflows

16,457 Different Email Campaigns & Automated Workflows

There were over 16,000 different Email Campaigns and Automated Workflows in place in 2019—a 45% increase from 2018. 

Agencies spent 2019 improving communication with clients, prospects, and agents using Email Campaigns, and working smarter, not harder with Automated Workflow.

Email Campaigns are one-off sends or drip campaigns to relay information to a group of contacts. Two examples of this: email newsletters or cross-sell campaigns.

Cross-selling email campaign

Automated Workflows are emails sent or activities assigned based on triggers. An example would be when a policy renewal date is approaching, an email notification is sent to the policyholder and an activity is assigned to the agent. 

Learn more about Automated Workflow: [eBook] Automation for Life & Health Insurance Agencies: Using automated workflow to create efficiency & consistency.

Danny M.

Since I started using Automated Workflows less than 2 months ago, I've written 6 new clients and I have received 6 referrals for new business. AgencyBloc allows me to set up a workflow timeline for my entire book of business ‘hands off’.”
—Danny M.,

Product Releases

73 Enhancements / Product Releases

The number above was made possible by partnering with our clients to continually make AgencyBloc better. 

Throughout 2019, we rolled out 73 product releases that included feature enhancements, user experience updates, new feature additions, updates to integrations, and more.

Releases included:

  • Agent duplicate detection & merge
  • Email Marketing enhancements
  • Calendar View of Activities
  • Automated Workflow enhancements
  • Lead post & lead vendor API enhancements
  • Carrier coverage template enhancements
  • Lead form enhancements

Again, making a difference in our clients’ lives is what motivates us as a team and what drives the additions and enhancements made to AgencyBloc.

We’re proud of what #MembersofTheBloc achieved with AgencyBloc in 2019, and we look forward to continued growth in 2020!

Want to learn more about AgencyBloc, The #1 Agency Recommended Management System? Check out our 5-minute overview video.

Posted by Kelsey Rosauer on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 in About Us

About The Author

Kelsey Rosauer

Kelsey is the Director of Marketing at AgencyBloc. She helps lead a team of talented marketers in their efforts towards serving and educating life and health insurance agencies. Favorite quote: "You can't use up creativity. The more you use the more you have." —Maya Angelou

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