What is the CMS Requirement for Call Recordings?
A few months ago, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a new ruling called the CMS Final Rule 2023. Part of this rule requires agents to record and store all Medicare and Medicaid “marketing” calls. Currently, this rule is slated to go into effect on October 1, 2022.
NABIP further outlines this ruling:
“The recording requirement applies to all agents who enroll beneficiaries into new plans, whether they are current or new clients. The wording of the rule references “marketing” calls, but NABIP confirmed that CMS interprets “enrollment” as “marketing.” Online applications that agents walk through with their clients are also subject to recording. SHIPS are exempt from the rule.”
It is important to note that conversations about this ruling are ongoing, and additional changes could be issued. For more information on the CMS Final Rule 2023, check out these resources:
Using an AMS to Help You Stay Compliant with the CMS Final Rule 2023
There are two key factors in the ruling that agents must now comply with:
- Agents must record all “marketing” calls
- Agents must store all recordings of the calls
To achieve #1, your team will need to leverage technology like voice over internet protocol, or VoIP. VoIP is “a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line.” Using a VoIP tool can streamline and automate the recording process.
This is fairly straightforward, but it’s crucial to note the importance of connecting VoIP functionality to your management system. Otherwise, the process can still be manual and time-consuming, or create data silos.
But recording is only half of it. The other half is storing those recordings somewhere you can easily access. Some places to store call recordings are:
- Local file folder (i.e., File Explorer)
- Cloud-based file repository (i.e., Google Drive, Dropbox)
- Agency Management System (AMS) or CRM
Using a local file folder can cause accessibility issues as your entire team may not have access to the local folder. Although it can make the recordings close-at-hand for you, they aren't so easily shared. Plus, organization could prove difficult once you have several recordings in your folder.
A cloud-based file repository makes the recordings more accessible, but there’s no way to tie the call recordings to client records in your AMS or CRM using this method.
Using an AMS or CRM makes storing and accessing your call recordings more efficient by attaching the recording directly to the client’s profile. This allows your team to centralize data to one location, thus simplifying the retrieval process and adding efficiencies to your customer service and data management processes.
Recording Calls & Storing Call Recordings in AgencyBloc’s Platform
AgencyBloc’s Plus Suite of solutions allows your team to focus on the important things and helps automate your processes to save you time. Using our industry-specific products can help your organization stay ahead of the curve when it comes to new regulations, like the CMS Final Rule 2023, and ensure your company stays compliant.
The integrated VOIP features in AMS+ allow your sales and servicing teams to instantly record all calls, whether they’re inbound or outbound. Use the same technology to add pre-recorded messages to the start of every call to explain why you’re recording and share any other compliance-specific information.
Once the call is complete, easily access the recordings to review information or take notes right in AMS+. Centralizing your client data gives your team visibility and creates a digital paper trail you can rely on and use should the need arise.
Not only does this help you stay compliant with government regulations, but it also allows you to provide a higher level of customer service and add more value to your new and existing client relationships.
Stay Compliant Using AgencyBloc’s Platform
Use AMS+ to help your team streamline sales initiatives, manage client data, improve client retention, create efficiencies with industry-specific workflow automation, and, most importantly, stay compliant.
Learn More About AMS+
by Allison Babberl
on Thursday, August 4, 2022
Insurance VoIP & Click-to-Call
- client retention
- compliance management
- data management
- industry news
- productivity
- selling
About The Author
Allison is the Content Lead at AgencyBloc. She manages the creation and schedule of all educational content for our BlocTalk and Member communities. Favorite quote: “Conversation is the bedrock of relationships. Without it, our relationships are devoid of substance.” -Maribeth Ku
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